This is a resource page for those who are studying about living an authentic Jewish life with our community in our weekly JewishLife studies. Activities and studies include Halachah, liturgy, and Sephardic customs. We will be adding to this page regularly, so please check back often.
We offer JewishLife study every week on Thursdays @ 9:30 PM EST via Google Meet. See our CALENDAR for the current month's schedule. If you would like to enroll for JewishLife study, please Email Us for more information.
With your tzedakah we can continue to provide meaningful services, studies, and share our Kabbalah4All Siddur with everyone. We thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
Each activity is designed to complement our live studies for enrolled members. Simply click on the name of the activity you wish to go to on this page.
Match the abbreviation to the correct Utterance (Commandment). Click the link above for the chart and details.
Answer the questions in the following activity to help you remember. Click the link above for the chart and details.
Put the Parashiyot (Portions) of Bereshit in their proper order.
Put the Parashiyot (Portions) of Shemot in their proper order.
Put the Parashiyot (Portions) of Vayikra in their proper order.
Put the Parashiyot (Portions) of Bemidbar in their proper order.
Put the Parashiyot (Portions) of Devarim in their proper order.
Answer the questions in the following activity to help you remember. Click the link above for the chart and details.
The object of the following activity is to match the Tribes (Sons of Jacob) to their Mothers. Click the link above for the chart and details.
The object of the following activity is to identify where each of Jacob's sons are placed in the carrying of his coffin. Click the link above for the chart and details.
Put the letters in their correct order for each word as they appeared on the Mateh HaElokim that Moses took in his hand.