Kabbalah teaches that the purpose of Rosh Hashanah is to receive all of the energy necessary to remove the blockages we have created through our negative actions during the last year. The month of Elul was a preparation through teshuvah (return/repentance) and seeking to reverse the effects of those actions. The services on Rosh Hashanah give us the opportunity to restore ourselves and the world to the Tree of Life reality. The Shofar is a tool which is used to dissolve all blockages of negative energy we have created in the previous twelve months.
It is not possible to completely wipe out all the negativity of the past year in one day. For that reason, as the Kabbalists explain, we have Ten Days of Awe. The first day begins with Rosh Hashanah and the final day ends on Yom Kippur. The consciousness of Yom Kippur is from the Sefirah of Binah whose energy can be summed up as "love your neighbor as yourself". The restrictions we observe on this day, such as fasting, are simply tools to assist us in our connection process.
The first two days of Rosh Hashanah and the day of Yom Kippur are Festival Days and labor is not permitted on those days. However, the days in between, with the exception of Shabbat of course, one may work but should keep in mind that we are still in the days known as "The Days of Awe."
With your tzedakah (donation) we can continue to provide meaningful services, studies, and share our Kabbalah4All Siddur with everyone. We thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
Please note that links will be live once the events have been scheduled and will appear on our HOME page under Upcoming Events.