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Tehilim Index
There are various schedules for the completion of Tehilim. Simply click on the section you want to go to on this page.
Weekly Schedule
Some have the custom of completing the entire Sefer Tehilim once a week according to this order:
Sunday: 1-29
Monday: 30-50
Tuesday: 51-72
Wednesday: 73-89
Thursday: 90-106
Friday: 107-119
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Monthly Schedule
Some have the custom of completing the entire Sefer Tehilim once a month according to this order:
1: 1-9
2: 10-17
3: 18-22
4: 23-28
5: 29-34
6: 35-38
7: 39-43
8: 44-48
9: 49-54
10: 55-59
11: 60-65
12: 66-68
13: 69-71
14: 72-76
15: 77-78
16: 79-82
17: 83-87
18: 88-89
19: 90-96
20: 97-103
21: 104-105
22: 106-107
23: 108-112
24: 113-118
25: 119:1-96
26: 119:97-176
27: 120-134
28: 135-139
29: 140-144
30*: 145-150
*When a Hebrew month has 29 days, Tehilim 145-150 are said on the 29th Day.
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Shabbat Schedule
The following schedule lists Tehilim to be recited each Shabbat according to the Torah Parashah cycle:
Bereishit: 139
Lech-Lecha: 110
Chayei Sarah: 45
Toledot: 36
Vayishlach: 140
Vayeshev: 112
Miketz: 40
Vayigash: 48
Vaychi: 41
Shemot: 99
Va-era: 46
Bo: 77
Beshalach: 66
Mishpatim: 72
Tetzaveh: 65
Ki Tisa: 75
Vayakhel: 61
Pekudei: 45
Vayikra: 50
Tzav: 107
Shemini: 128
Tazria: 106
Metzora: 120
Bechukotai: 105
Bemidbar: 122
Naso: 67
Beha-alotcha: 68
Shelach-Lecha: 64
Chukat: 95
Balak: 79
Pinechas: 50
Matot: 111
Masei: 49
Devarim: 137
Va-etchanan: 90
Ekev: 75
Re-eh: 97
Ki Tavo: 51
Nitzavim: 81
Vayelech: 65
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Chagim Schedule
The following Tehilim are said on the various days of observance in the Jewish Calendar:
- Rosh Chodesh: 104
- Shabbat HaGadol: 95
- Pesach - Day 1: 114
- Pesach - Day 2: 78
- Pesach - Day 3: 80
- Pesach - Day 4: 105
- Pesach - Day 5: 135
- Pesach - Day 6: 66
- Pesach - Day 7: 18
- Isru Chag Pesach: 118
- Shavuot: 19
- Seventeeth of Tammuz: 79
- Ninth of Av: 137
- Shabbat Nachamu: 90
- Elul (2nd Day of Elul-Yom Kippur): 17, 25, 32, 51, 65, 85, 86, 102
- Erev Rosh HaShanah: 98
- Rosh HaShanah - Day 1: 81
- Rosh HaShanah - Day 2: 47
- Ten Days of Teshuvah: 10
- Shabbat Shuvah: 32
- Erev Yom Kippur: 107
- Kol Nidrei Night: 99
- Yom Kippur: 32
- Sukkot - Day 1: 76
- Sukkot - Day 2: 42
- Sukkot - Day 3: 29
- Sukkot - Day 4: 50
- Sukkot - Day 5: 94
- Sukkot - Day 6: 81
- Hoshana Rabah: 82
- Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah: 12, 8
- Chanukah: 30
- Tenth of Tevet: 74
- Parashat Shekalim: 49
- Parashat Zachor: 109
- Ta-anit Ester: 22
- Purim: 22
- Shushan Purim: 60
- Parashat Parah: 51
- Parashat HaChodesh: 77
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Special Occasions
The following Tehilim can be said on special occasions:
- On The Day of Marriage: 19
- At a Brit Milah (Circumcision): 12
- In A House of Mourning: 49
- For Success in Learning Torah: 119
- Upon Giving Birth: 20
- For Healing: 6, 30, 41, 88, 103
(119- Using the Hebrew letters of the Hebrew name of the Sick Person.)
- For Peace: 46
- When The Land of Israel is in Danger: 83, 130, 142
- To Express Gratitude: 9, 21 57, 95, 116, 138
- For Help In Times of Trouble: 16, 20, 25, 26, 38, 4, 81, 85, 86, 87, 102, 130, 142
- For Divine Guidance: 16, 19, 139
- For Teshuvah: 51, 90
- To Awaken The Merits of Our Forefathers: 16
- To Have Children: 102, 103
- When Traveling on a Journey: 91
- For Favorable Judgement: 7, 35, 93
- To Find One's Soulmate: 32, 38, 70, 71, 121, 124
- For Success: 57, 112, 122
- At a Cemetery: 33, 16, 17, 72, 91, 104, 130
(119- Using the Hebrew letters of the Hebrew name of the Deceased or the letters נשמה.)
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Simply click on a number to go to that Tehilim. We will be adding more regularly as we transliterate and translate them until we have all 150.
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