Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach
13 Nisan 5784 (April 21, 2024)

Pesach begins Monday Night! Pesach is quite possibly the most important Festival in the Hebrew Calendar. It is the Festival of Freedom and we remember it not just during Pesach, but also during every Shabbat and every other Festival throughout the entire year. Egypt and Pharaoh are symbols of the Yeitzer Hara of the nefesh level of ourselves, in other words our ego. Pesach reminds us of the powerful redemption from Egypt as we fulfill the mitzvah of the telling of the story of Pesach. Also this energy, which is available every Pesach, can assist us in securing freedom from our own selfish whims and fancies in our journey of transformation. Chametz (leaven) is a symbol of ego. During Pesach we eat Matzah which is known as "bread without ego." Matzah is not disquised in any way, we taste it for what it is, simply bread and water. It is the staple we eat during these days of Pesach as a reminder that freedom comes to those who let go of ego and allow the true self to take over. The Israelites had descended to the 49th level of negativity and therefore were beyond help. It took the "mighty hand" of Hashem to save them. So we are taught that anyone can partake of the Seder on the first night, because freedom is granted to all no matter if they are transforming themselves or not. However, on the 2nd night of Pesach that Freedom is taken away from us and we must begin to rebuild the vessel and work towards earning back that energy. This is known as the Counting of The Omer and on the 49th day, our vessel will be complete in order to receive all the energy back during the Festival of Shavuot.

Shavua Tov,

Parashat LeShabbat Chol Hamoed Pesach | פרשת לשבת חול המועד פסח
Torah Portion: Vayikra (Leviticus) 12:1-15:33
Haftarah For Shabbat HaGadol: Malachi (Malachi)

Parashat LeShabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach

Haftarat LeShabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach

Clicking on an event will take you to that event on our Events page.

Join Us For The Festival of Pesach
We invite you to join us for the Festival of Pesach, which begins on Monday evening, April 22, 2024. To see our full Pesach Schedule, please go to our CHAGIM page.

Join Us For Sefirat HaOmer
We invite you to join us during the period of Sefirat HaOmer, which begins on the second night of Pesach (Monday evening, April 23, 2024). We will broadcast Arvit and Sefirat HaOmer each night, Sundays-Thursdays @ 8:30 PM EDT and Shabbat according to the Shabbat schedule. Go to our EVENTS page to join us.

Become A Member of Our Tribe
We invite you to become a member of our tribe. Kabbalah4All Congregation was established to connect people who wish to be part of a Jewish community which focuses on Kabbalah (Mystical Judaism). We are an online synagogue community with members in almost every continent. Our members have a voice in our community and are empowered through our services and studies to effect change in their part of the world--the idea of Tikkun Olam. Go to our MEMBERSHIP page for more information.

The word צדקה "tzedakah" in Hebrew often is translated as charity, but it actually comes from the root צדק "tzedek" which means righteousness. The addition of the letter ה "Hei" connects righteousness to Malchut. Many people say "giving" tzedakah, but the more appropriate phrase is "doing" tzedakah. Tzedakah is in many ways an exchange of energy and is a visible expression of gratitude in this world for that which we have received, especially when we receive it from an organization that helps us to grow spiritually. We thank you in advance for your generosity and support. Click Here to make an online donation. Visit our DONATE page in order to donate using other methods.

Your Hebrew Name
At the end of the Amidah, we whisper a verse from the Tanach which is associated with our Hebrew name. Would you like to know your Hebrew name and the verse that corresponds to your name? Or would you like us to help you choose a Hebrew name and even have a certificate with your Hebrew name and verse? Email Us for more information.

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