Shabbat Tazria
28 Adar II 5784 (April 7, 2024)

Nisan is the time for us to break free. It is no coincidence that the Ram (Aries) is the sign for the new month of Nisan that begins this Shabbat. We, like the ram, must break through the barriers that our ego sets for us and push ahead toward freedom. As Torah states, "this shall be for you the first of months." and therefore Nisan begins the Jewish calendar and the energy we connect to during this new month is freedom and renewal. During the first 14 days of Nisan, we have a special study for each day about the gift brought by the leader of each tribe to the dedication of the Altar in the Mishkan. The first of the tribes is Yehudah. Though there are twelve tribes, the Torah states that Jacob said to Yehudah: "Yehudah, your brothers shall acknowledge you." All of the Jewish people are referred to as "Yehudim" even if they were from a different tribe. In Megilat Esther, the story of Purim, Mordechai is referred to as a "Yehudi", even though he was from the tribe of Binyamin. The Talmud states that Mordechai was called a Yehudi because he rejected idolatry, and anyone who rejects idol worship is called a Yehudi. A Midrash adds that a person who rejects idol worship proclaims Hashem's Unity to the world, so he/she is called a "Yehudi", a word similar to "Yechidi", which is the firm conviction that Hashem is the One and Only. We have an exciting month ahead with extraordinary opportunities to connect the Creator's Light. May we be blessed to receive that Light and to share it with those around us.

Shavua Tov veChodesh Tov,

Parashat Tazria | פרשת תזריע
Torah Portion: Vayikra (Leviticus) 12:1-13:59
Haftarah: Melachim Bet (II Kings) 4:42-5:19

Parashat Tazria

Haftarat Tazria

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Shabbat HaChodesh
The fourth of Four Special Shabbatot leading up to the Chag of Pesach is Shabbat Parashat HaChodesh. On the Shabbat closest to Rosh Chodesh Nisan or on Rosh Chodesh itself when it occurs on Shabbat, we read a special Maftir which details the eating of the Pesach sacrifice and lists all of the laws of Pesach. The special Haftarah describes the sacrifices that the Israelites are to bring on the First of Nisan, on Pesach, and on other festivals in the future Beit HaMikdash.

The First 14 Days of Nisan
The Mishkan was erected on Rosh Chodesh Nisan, and during the first twelve days the twelve leaders of the tribes brought their offering for the dedication of the Altar. Nisan is referred to as the "First of Months." Our Sages teach that each of the first twelve days connects us to each of the twelve months that follow. Each day there is a special Torah reading, prayers, and meditation. On the 13th day, we read the portion about the Menorah. On the 14th day, the sacrificial lamb for the Pesach offering was slaughtered and we have an observance on that day as an expression of our longing for the Beit Hamikdash to be rebuilt in our time. Each day we put aside three coins for tzedakah, which will equal 42 coins when we complete Day 14. We will offer a special Arvit service with the Torah study, prayers and meditations for each of the 14 days at 8:30 PM EDT beginning on Monday night, April 8, 2023. Go to our EVENTS page to join us.

Join Us For The Festival of Pesach
We invite you to join us for the Festival of Pesach, which begins on Monday evening, April 22, 2024. To see our full Pesach Schedule, please go to our CHAGIM page.

Become A Member of Our Tribe
We invite you to become a member of our tribe. Kabbalah4All Congregation was established to connect people who wish to be part of a Jewish community which focuses on Kabbalah (Mystical Judaism). We are an online synagogue community with members in almost every continent. Our members have a voice in our community and are empowered through our services and studies to effect change in their part of the world--the idea of Tikkun Olam. Go to our MEMBERSHIP page for more information.

The word צדקה "tzedakah" in Hebrew often is translated as charity, but it actually comes from the root צדק "tzedek" which means righteousness. The addition of the letter ה "Hei" connects righteousness to Malchut. Many people say "giving" tzedakah, but the more appropriate phrase is "doing" tzedakah. Tzedakah is in many ways an exchange of energy and is a visible expression of gratitude in this world for that which we have received, especially when we receive it from an organization that helps us to grow spiritually. We thank you in advance for your generosity and support. Click Here to make an online donation. Visit our DONATE page in order to donate using other methods.

Your Hebrew Name
At the end of the Amidah, we whisper a verse from the Tanach which is associated with our Hebrew name. Would you like to know your Hebrew name and the verse that corresponds to your name? Or would you like us to help you choose a Hebrew name and even have a certificate with your Hebrew name and verse? Email Us for more information.

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