22 Tammuz 5784 (July 28, 2024)

Last week we began the Three Weeks known as Yemei Bein HaMetzarim, or literally "between the straits." Perhaps you have noticed that the past few days have been more difficult than normal. Emotions have run higher or maybe stress has seem magnified? This is part of the energy of this month of Tammuz and the heaviness of these Three Weeks. Our Sages teach us that these weeks are considered negative because we do not know how to deal with the intense flow of Light that is flowing into our world during this time. We restrict ourselves in order to rise above the seemingly negative and connect to the positive. Some of the things we restrict are the consumption of red meat (it connects us to Gevurah-Judgement), wine, and music. We do this not because we are sacrificing something, but rather because it should be a time of intense introspection. Please note that these restrictions should never be observed on Shabbat as they would interfere with the holiness that is unique to the Seventh Day. Restriction should cause us to connect to the Upper Worlds and to the Creator's Light, and also foster within us a spirit of compassion and love of neighbor. May these weeks be a time of intense connection and growth and may we be blessed to turn darkness into Light.

Shavua tov,

Parashat Matot-Masei | פרשת מטות־מעסי
Torah Portion: Bemidbar (Numbers) 30:2-36:13
Haftarah: Yirmiyah (Jeremiah) 2:4-28; 3:4; 4:1-2

Parashat Matot-Masei

Haftarat Matot-Masei

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Yemei Bein HaMetzarim (Three Weeks)
The Yemei Bein HaMetzarim begins with the 17th of Tammuz, which occurs on July 23, 2024. These Three Weeks are a time of introspection and mourning for the loss of the Temples. During this time we should keep in mind the idea of restricting our ego nature. We fast from red meat and wine (except on Shabbat) and we make a point of making extra time for meditation. For the 17th of Tammuz we will have full services of Arvit, Shacharit, and Minchah as it is considered one of the major "Days of Opportunity". We invite you to join us on the 17th of Tammuz. Go to our CALENDAR page to see the schedule of services.

Become A Member of Our Tribe
We invite you to become a member of our tribe. Kabbalah4All Congregation was established to connect people who wish to be part of a Jewish community which focuses on Kabbalah (Mystical Judaism). We are an online synagogue community with members in almost every continent. Our members have a voice in our community and are empowered through our services and studies to effect change in their part of the world--the idea of Tikkun Olam. Go to our MEMBERSHIP page for more information.

The word צדקה "tzedakah" in Hebrew often is translated as charity, but it actually comes from the root צדק "tzedek" which means righteousness. The addition of the letter ה "Hei" connects righteousness to Malchut. Many people say "giving" tzedakah, but the more appropriate phrase is "doing" tzedakah. Tzedakah is in many ways an exchange of energy and is a visible expression of gratitude in this world for that which we have received, especially when we receive it from an organization that helps us to grow spiritually. We thank you in advance for your generosity and support. Click Here to make an online donation. Visit our DONATE page in order to donate using other methods.

Your Hebrew Name
At the end of the Amidah, we whisper a verse from the Tanach which is associated with our Hebrew name. Would you like to know your Hebrew name and the verse that corresponds to your name? Or would you like us to help you choose a Hebrew name and even have a certificate with your Hebrew name and verse? Email Us for more information.

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