We are a diverse and welcoming online Sephardic Jewish congregation with members on every continent and in many countries.
We offer meaningful Sephardic Jewish liturgical services for Shabbat, Festivals, and all observances in the Jewish calendar using our very own siddur with Kabbalistic kavanot.
We offer weekly learning which include Kabbalah, Living Torah, Talmud, Zohar, Jewish Liturgy, and Hebrew studies.
Clicking on an event will take you to that event on our Events page.
With your tzedakah (donation) we can continue to provide meaningful services, studies, and share our Kabbalah4All Siddur with everyone. We thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
Used each day during the month, Selichot gives us the opportunity to unite ourselves with the Creator's Light and with the consciousness of selichah סליחה, which means forgiveness. During the Selichot service we confront our past negative actions and ask for forgiveness. This is a vital preparation for Rosh HaShanah, the Days of Awe, and Yom Kippur. The best time to for Selichot is between midnight and dawn, for it is during this time that Divine mercy is available. We invite you to join us for Selichot each night, Sundays-Fridays during Elul @ 12:30 AM EDT (In some time zones this will be Saturday-Thursday nights). Click Here for the Selichot portion of our K4A Siddur.
Every night at 12:00 AM EDT (except Friday nights), we will have a special study session via Google Meet to study Tehilim in conjunction with commentary from the Talmud, Midrash, Kabbalah, and Chasidut. CLICK HERE to join us.
We invite you to join our community for the High Holy Days: Rosh HaShanah, the Days of Awe, and Yom Kippur. For our full schedule of High Holy Day Services, please visit our CHAGIM page.
We invite you to become a member of our tribe. Kabbalah4All Congregation was established to connect people who wish to be part of a Jewish community which focuses on Kabbalah (Mystical Judaism). We are an online synagogue community with members in almost every continent. Our members have a voice in our community and are empowered through our services and studies to effect change in their part of the world--the idea of Tikkun Olam. Go to our MEMBERSHIP page for more information.
The word צדקה "tzedakah" in Hebrew often is translated as charity, but it actually comes from the root צדק "tzedek" which means righteousness. The addition of the letter ה "Hei" connects righteousness to Malchut. Many people say "giving" tzedakah, but the more appropriate phrase is "doing" tzedakah. Tzedakah is in many ways an exchange of energy and is a visible expression of gratitude in this world for that which we have received, especially when we receive it from an organization that helps us to grow spiritually. We thank you in advance for your generosity and support. Click Here to make a donation.
At the end of the Amidah, we whisper a verse from the Tanach which is associated with our Hebrew name. Would you like to know your Hebrew name and the verse that corresponds to your name? Or would you like us to help you choose a Hebrew name and even have a certificate with your Hebrew name and verse? Email Us for more information.